GTA Gaming Archive

Vapid Hustler

by Thundersmacker


Category:Vehicle Mods

Added:2016-03-18 21:07:51 -0700

Replaces:any 2-door

Historic Rating:9/10

Historic Downloads:1,465

File Size:793.01 KB

Download Link:1458360471_vapid_hustler.rar


The original street cruiser. Info: One of my old mods returns cooler and better than ever. Built from JoeVK's awesome Shop Truck, it has been restored from a weathered beaten relic to a stylish hotrod. Features replica Centerline wheels, fully restored bed planks and a optional bed cover. Has proper LOD's and a low file size. Credits: Original mod by JoeVK. Modified by Thundersmacker. Other car parts and etc. from Rockstar Games. Notes: You can replace any 2-door vehicle with the Hustler. Though it would be recommended to add it rather than replace another car. Bugs: No bugs to report.