GTA Gaming Archive

Niko 2.0 - A high-defenition retex

by aewsoemsauce


Category:Player Mods

Added:2012-08-06 10:32:03 -0700

Replaces:Niko's fugly face!

Historic Rating:5/10

Historic Downloads:3,657

File Size:3.26 MB

Download Link:1344274323_niko2.0byaewsoemsauce.rar


Niko 2.0 - A HD retex, handpainted by aewsoemsauce ------------------------------------------------ This is my attempt at making an updated and much more detailed texture for GTA IV's favorite murdering maniac. I have always found Niko's face being emotionless and a bit unappealing so I gave him a makeover. That rugged Slavic look is still there, just a little modernized. I'm not fully satisfied with it but since I really have better stuff to do, let's just call it done. ~~~* WHAT DO I DO? *~~~ Open up models/cdimages/playerped.rpf, found within your GTA IV folder, with either SparkIV or OpenIV. Then replace the texture- and normal-map with the ones inside this archive. Simple as that! ~~~* I'D LIKE TO STEAL THIS SHIT AND CLAIM IT IS MINE. KTHX! *~~~ Go right ahead, I don't really give a hoot. If you want to make changes to these maps in any way, feel free to do so. Use it however you want! ------------------- Hope you like it, aewsoemsauce