GTA Gaming Archive

Far Cry 3 P416

by AlphaWolf


Category:Weapon Mods

Added:2013-08-01 23:02:15 -0700


Historic Rating:9/10

Historic Downloads:3,581

File Size:19.33 MB

Download Link:1375478900_far_cry3_p416.rar

Author Website


Modify , convert to Grand Theft Auto IV by AlphaWolf. Credits: - Ubisoft For: the model , texture , bushman camo and sound. - gogoldorak ( For: Rip , share the model, texture. - black-light-studio For: Camo pattern(C.E.L.L). - Duds For: Suppressor shoot sound. - For: The background(of the main picture) Modify , convert to Grand Theft Auto IV by AlphaWolf. This package included: P416 , P416 with Acog , P416 with Suppressor , and P416 with Acog and Suppressor. Also included weapon sound(normal and suppressed) , Bushman and C.E.L.L camourflage(credits above). Remember to credits to people I've listed above including me for convert to GTA IV if you share this model somewhere else. Pros: - High Quality - Normal map and Specular map - Hand Position - Different type of choices for attachment - Weapon shoot sound for suppressor and normal - Colored icon - Suppressed versions have no muzzle flash(more realistic) Cons: - Suppressed versions have bullet trails under the gun barrel Installion: - How to install the weapon: 1: Open SparkIV and open weapons.img(C:/Rockstar Games/Grand Theft Auto IV/pc/models/cdimages) 2: Import the model you chose(p416 acog , or suppresor , or normal or both) , save , close. 2: If you don't want to use camourflage , then skip this step To use camourflage(C.E.L.L or Bushman) , simply import the file included in C.E.L.L Camourflage or Bushman Camourflage's folder(remember to do step 2 first). - How to install the sound: 1: Open SparkIV , go to pc/audio/sfx and open resident.rpf then click RESIDENT , find and export WEAPONS.ivaud (Remember to back it up first) 2: Open GTA Ivaud(version 1.1.5 is recommended) 3:If you already have it, skip this step If you don't have it , then go to google and search it and then download it. 4: Use GTA Ivaud and open WEAPONS.ivaud(the file you just extracted) then look for M4_SHOT1_L and M4_SHOT1_R . Then right click and replace both of them with 2 files located in the folder(depends on the choice you chose , if you choose the one with suppressor , then replace it with the .wav file in that folder, same goes for the one without suppressor) 5: Save and then use SparkIV and open up resident.rpf and import WEAPONS.ivaud back and then save. 6: HAVE FUN , IF YOU LIKE IT , LEAVE A COMMENT AND RATE IT! My facebook: My e-mail: [email protected] - AlphaWolf IV Modify , convert to Grand Theft Auto IV by AlphaWolf. Remember to credits to people I've listed above including me for convert to GTA IV if you share this mod somewhere else. Update Logs: 8/2/2013 - Fire Camourflage updated.