GTA Gaming Archive

ENBSeries 2011

by valdy797

A GTA San Andreas Mod

Category:Miscellaneous Mods

Added:2011-07-12 21:54:59 -0700

Historic Rating:9/10

Historic Downloads:7,780

File Size:2.08 MB

Download Link:1310532899_enb_series2011_byvaldy797.rar

Author Website


My New ENBSeries (V0.075C) by valdy797 Contact: Features: -Less Bloom -Perfect Reflection -Bonus Timecyc Install: -Copy the d3d9.dll and enbseries.ini to your GTA SA Main Folder -Next Copy the timecyc.dat and timecycp.dat to C:Program FilesRockstar GamesGTA San Andreasdata Note: -If you want your game like in my pics, DOWNLOAD AND INSTALL Project Oblivion 2007HQ or 2010HQ! -If you're not install Project Oblivion, It's not look very real like in my pics. Project Oblivion 2007HQ Link: section=downloads&site=download &id=794 Project Oblivion 2010HQ: include.php?path=content/download.php &contentid=4850 All ! Enjoy The New ENB